Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blog #2 Google Part 1


This week we have learned about Google (docs, calendar, presentations, iGoogle, and spreadsheets). We are to create a welcome letter in Google docs, create a classroom rules presentation in Google presentations, and create a calendar.


Wow, I never knew Google had so much to offer. As a student, teacher, and colleague, this is valuable because it allows me to work with other group members or faculty without having to call them and try to figure out what they are saying. I really like how you can add images as well as drawing your own. I have ran into problems in the past where another student I was working with did not have word, so we struggled trying to put our presentation together. This was nice because we each had all the equipment necessary. The calendar was another one of my favorite features because it is so user friendly and I can get reminders from email or text.

I believe we are doing this because it alleviates stress by being user friendly as well as convenient. We will never lose the documents and presentations we create because it is saved online. This applies to me by helping me be more organized as well as helps me to not be afraid of technology. Google means freedom from stress and worry. Google means working with others and being convenient. Google means to my colleagues just about the same as it does to me. It means the ability to work and collaborate with anyone anywhere.


Technology is the future for my students as well as for our country. Google will definitely play a big part in their learning. This new information about Google will change my schema by using it more frequently. I have realized it is easy to use and available all the time. This changes the type of teacher I will be by using technology more in my future classrooms. I will have my students work with Google and use all the applications. The types of assignments I will use are similar to the kind we do in this class. I can have them work with another person or group on a research paper. I can have my students make a presentation to show the class what they learned. I like this because I have the capability of seeing who does the work.

This will help me become a better teacher by using things their interested in which is technology. Every student enjoys working with a computer, whether it's playing or researching and this allows me to stay in tune with my students' needs as well as successes. As a colleague, this helps me to work better with others. Teachers are busy and do not always have time for sit down discussions. Google allows me to accomplish my tasks by working and communicating with my colleagues on my time. This change will help teachers communicate better as well as share ideas. Visually we can see what it is we need to accomplish as well as get ideas and help. I can't wait to use this type of technology because I really believe it will help education grow not only as a department but also as a nation of teachers. We are able to communicate with those that are not around...and that does not only mean those in our school or state. It means everybody!


I really enjoyed President Obama's speech to American children on how we are what we learn. It affects me as a student in a number of ways but the most important in my opinion is the statement, students must take ownership and responsibility for their own education. He went on saying teachers, parents, and the government all take responsibility but none of that matters unless the students (me) fulfills my responsibilities. As a teacher, this is valuable information because it helps me teach my students that no one writes their destiny but you, and if you fail, let that teach you, not define you. I was always afraid to ask for help and having listened to this speech, I have realized asking for help is a strength. All of these key points will help me to become a better student, which in return will help me to become a better teacher.

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