Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blog #3: Google Part 2

I am learning about creating a website for my students and parents to see. The assignments include creating a classroom site and grading myself with the rubric.

So What?
Wow, I never knew how to create a site let alone that it was so simple. Knowing how to use Google sites is beneficial for me. It helps me as a teacher be able to communicate with my parents, students, and colleagues without the hassle of trying to find time to talk to them. It allows them to see what is going on in my classroom and is a great communication tool. I believe we are using Google Sites to make things easier for us as teachers. I think it is also being used to help parents be more involved with the child's education. Setting up and using Google Sites helps me to learn how to be more organized. I can use Google Sites with any of my classes and it could be used as a way to communicate with my other classmates. It allows them to see what I have planned. In addition, when I do my student teaching, it will help my teacher I am working with as well as my students know what is expected and what is going on.

Technology and Google Sites is the new way of teaching and communicating with the parents and students. This type of technology is something that will save me time and will help keep me organized. Being able to use Google Sites also indicates I am capable of using other types of technology. For example, the resources and tools use other links and websites. In order for my students to use this information, I need to be able to post it to my site. Colleagues of mine can get ideas from my site as well as coordinate their plans with what my 4th grade class will be doing.

Now What?
This type of technology will affect my future students in many ways. They will learn how to use technology, specifically how to view and use my site. This will affect the way they can get things done by making it more convenient for them to finish an assignment or work on something I have posted on my site. I have never made a site or used much technology other than writing papers or researching information online. This will change my schema by changing how I use technology, especially this type. This will change the way I will be as a teacher by making it easier and more convenient for my students to miss a class or find what they need by looking on my site. This will also help those that are confused by explaining what needs to be done by a certain due date. I will post the assignments on my site which will allow my students to work anywhere on their homework. My site is more of a one-person job, however if they have any questions they can collaborate with other classmates and get it done.

Knowing this information will help me to be a better teacher by understanding and knowing how to create a site for my own future classroom. It will help me by making teaching seem a little easier. As a colleague, knowing this information, I can help those teachers that like the idea and help them to create their own classroom site. It will also help by integrating my information with my colleagues. The type of collaboration developed by using Google Sites will benefit us as teachers as well as a department. We will be on the same page and will understand the mistakes and changes needed to be made. I am excited to get started in my teaching career and am happy I have the technology to help me become a better teacher.

Video Reflection
Mr. Robinson stated a few good points on creativity and the importance it has in schools. For me as a student now, what he said really does include me. He mentioned we do not develop creativity but we grow out of it. As a student, I have seen myself focus more on getting my homework done and doing it the correct way that I worry if I did it different from anyone else. As a teacher, I do not want my students to feel the same way I sometimes do. I think it is important to encourage children to use creativity. Mr. Robinson's lecture was pointing out we do not need to get kids interested but rather help them pursue their own dreams and goals to live up to their potential. Creative people are not valued and we need to change that. He states three types of intelligences, which match up close to Gardner's multiple intelligences, and those are, intelligence is diverse, dynamic, and distinct. Discovering your talents comes from knowing your intelligence and using it. As a teacher, I think this is important to teach and have my students act upon it. We need to be open minded as teachers and accept all ideas!

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