Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ideal Classroom Reflection

Describe your ideal classroom including the physical environment and the personality of your students, parents, and colleagues. What teaching techniques will you use? What content will you teach? What technology will you utilize? What class goals will you embrace? What do you hope to teach?

My ideal classroom would have around 15 students and would have a positive atmosphere. It would be a safe and comfortable environment for my students. My classroom would be welcoming and encouraging. My physical environment would be large and would portray happiness and success. My classroom would have pictures up all around the classroom and would have windows. I would have a section where I can display my students work. I plan to rearrange my desks in different layouts. This will allow my students to get use to change as well as help me control what my students are doing. The personality of my students would be happy and enthusiastic. They would have the desire to learn. They would include all! My parents would be very nice and easy to work with. My parents would also be very involved with my students schooling and their success. I would work closely with my colleagues and so their personalities would be easygoing and very good at working together. They would all portray excitement and happiness!

I plan to use different teaching techniques. I realize not every student learns the same way and so I would work with the different multiple intelligences and allow students to learn in their own way. My classroom would work a lot on collaborating with other students. I believe children learn best from each other. My classroom would also be an authentic, multi-level instruction room. I plan to teach real life content as well as the content assigned to teach, by the state curriculum.

I love technology and realize it is becoming very popular. My ideal classroom would have a smart board. I would have a class blog posting the assignments and when they are due. Our class blog would also include any important information my students and parents would need to know. In return, I would have them working with blogs and have them post any questions as well as post some assignments on there.

The goals my classroom would have would start with motivation and belief in themselves as well as others in the classroom. Another goal would be for them to reach for success and not to give up. Next is to treat each student with respect. Some more goals would include enjoyment and love for the subjects, increased skill, and to have good behavior. My goals would include some that I would like to see my classroom achieve, such as the goals mentioned above. They would also have other goals they as a class come up with.

I would hope to teach fourth grade students. This was one of my favorite grades when I was in elementary and I just think it is an important age. They also learn interesting content information that I think would be fun to teach. I would hope to teach this grade because they are at the age where they still want to learn and help but at the same time are discovering themselves. This would be what my ideal classroom would look like!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great description...I enjoyed reading it. I believe that this description can come to fruition and those children really do need your help...I look forward to watching you make this happen in your life....and I BELIEVE in you!! You can make this happen!!
