Thursday, March 11, 2010

Digital Story 1


We are learning about digital stories. We are learning how to use them in a classroom and how to make one. Our assignment is to start putting together a digital story by completely a storyboard.

So What?

This means a number of things to me as a teacher, student, and colleague. I can use digital stories in any situation, whether it be in my personal life or to help teach a lesson. As a student, there are several projects we are to do and using a digital story to connect to my audience is a great way. As a teacher, students learn well when they are doing something they enjoy. Digital stories is like watching a film and this time it is on a subject they may be studying. Teachers can capture the students attention if they are using a digital story in which students find interesting and relevant. As a colleague we work best by sharing ideas. Digital stories can be used anywhere and by anyone. Sharing them within the school, grade level, and even around education in general is helpful and a great support for colleagues. I believe we are doing this because it is entertaining and interesting for students which is a great tool to helps students learn.

Everybody loves watching films that connect to you and have meaning and this is the goal for digital stories. I can use this in my personal life as something fun to do and show my nieces and nephews. I can also use this with my other classes by using it as a tool to present information. I love this type of technology and have a lot of interest in it. To me it means creativity and excitement for both my students and myself. This technology for my colleagues means a way of sharing ideas and creating an atmosphere for your students to learn. This is a way of communicating in the education world.

Now What?

Digital stories mean to my future students a way of learning. It means a hook and a way to introduced new information. It means a way to be connected to the subject. I have made videos before but never something that tells a story about a subject I will be teaching in school. This changes my schema to see there are so many different ways to teach and introduce information and this way is a great way that will benefit both my students and me. This will change the type of teacher I will be by using digital stories. Watching the samples in class built a connection for me and I hope to do the same with my future students.

I can assign my students to create their own digital stories. This will work as an assessment for me to see if they really understood the content information and it is also a fun way for them to do an assignment and work with other peers. This will help me as a future teacher by using digital stories in many forms. Not just as a great hook for the lesson, but also a great way to help my students enjoy learning. It will help me as a future colleague by staying current and relevant and being an example to my colleagues. They can use my work and likewise I can use theirs.This type of collaboration is different than what the norm is but it is a great way to stay connected to those you work with.

Video Reflection

This digital story was about NASA. This digital story was not one of my favorites. There were a couple things I did like about it and a couple things I did not like. First lets start with the things I did not like about it. I did not like the words displaying the persons name. The narrator told who they were and I thought that was good enough. The writing took away from seeing the whole picture. Another thing I didn't like or I thought was not something I would do was speeding up the slides at the end. The slides did not match the music or the talking which I think took away the feeling and mood of this digital story. Here are a the things I liked about the story. I thought this digital story did a great job telling through a narrator. The narrator did not portray he was reading a script. I also thought adding in Kennedy giving his speech impacted and set the feeling. So, all in all I would definitely change some of the things mentioned above.

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