Sunday, March 28, 2010

Field Experience 2

This is my second week of field and many things have happened. I have been able to see the impact technology has on my students as well as my cooperating teacher.

So What?

During this weeks field, I have seen how technology has made me a better teacher, student and colleague. I have seen how the colleagues in Vista elementary work together and how they share ideas and PowerPoint's. This has opened my eyes to see that I will not be alone when teaching. Each teacher has a unique way of doing things and they have different ideas of PowerPoint's including different information. This has helped me see the success I could have in connecting with my students as my colleagues and I worked together.

This week has been great. Our cooperating teacher has shown a lot of interest in using more technology into her lessons. My partner and I use Google presentations for every lesson we have taught and it has been the best tool for us. I have come to appreciate Google docs and presentation because it is convenient and we are constantly using them. Our cooperating teacher has acknowledge how much we use it and how the students connect to it better and are more involved in learning. With this happening, our teacher has asked us to teach her how to use PowerPoint and how to find all the information we do on the Internet. She is very willing to learn and I think it she will continue to use this tool. This has helped me as a student because I have actually used what I have learned in class and put action to it my teaching it to our cooperating teacher. The technology used in classrooms means a lot in the advancement and enjoyment students get from learning. After this week I also believe it helps and means a lot to the advancements to our cooperating teacher. She has found excitement in it and I have been excited that she wants to use something we have showed her. The Smart Board is still one of the best tools in the classroom and is used all throughout the day with many different subjects. As colleagues we have been able to share our PowerPoint's with our cooperating teacher. She has asked us to download what we have made to her USB stick which I think shows great team work.

Now What?

Technology is what my future students are. Over the last couple of weeks, I have seen the connection my students gained from using technology. I have witnessed my students with little or no technology experience excelling and really paying attention and bringing it into their learning the way they should. I have seen them have a clear understanding of what is being taught because they have the visuals to help them. Technology is still being used to test and I have seen the positives as well as negatives with doing this. The positives are it is easier to do and grade and way more convenient. The negatives are, the students fool around on other websites such as games and do not get their tests done. Technology can have its good and bad points to it and those were a few examples.

This week I did not see my students go to the computer lab as often as they did last week. However I have seen the use of the Smart Board more. For example in math, the students are called on and will use the Smart Board to show how they got their answer. This allows them to teach the others students as well as allow the teacher to see if they really understand how to solve this type of problem. I have noticed this week that my teacher uses more technology than she probably realizes. It is the best way to teach in my opinion as long as the students stay focused and on topic. The students seemed to adapt really well to it and paid more attention. As a colleague, I have seen the impact technology has had on our cooperating teacher and the benefits we have all seen in using it. It gives all of us different ideas. This helps with all forms of collaboration in the classroom and school.

Video Reflection

What:The next generation is surrounded my technology in all forms. They see their parents using it work work and personal reasons and then in this video the school the boy goes to is an ICT school where technology is used everywhere. So What: This boy showed a lot of excitement in going to school which makes for a fun and entertaining learning experience. Chalk boards used in the past has turned into Smart Boards that can be used as drawing and computer use. There are many forms of technology and it helps all students, especially those that are shy. The next generation will have assignments and learning at the press of the finger. The parents and students can use and do school work and homework anywhere. Now what does this mean to me, it means the next generation learning involves the parents more as well as the students. The students enjoy learning and puts more effort and work into it.

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