Friday, March 5, 2010

WebQuest Final/Podcast/Vidcast


This week we learned how to make the final fixes on our WebQuests and how to submit and make them copyrighted. We also learned about Postcasts and Vidcasts and what they are used for. The assignments for this week are to finish our WebQuest, make it copyrighted, and submit it. We are also to start our Vidcasts and Postcast.

So What:

Going into the education field has opened my eyes to the different types of technology we need to know and use. As a student, WebQuests, Vidcasts, and Podcasts can help me present information in all of my classes. As a teacher this is going to become one of the most used technology tools. Vidcasts and Podcasts are very beneficial in students learning because they are able to see what it is I am wanting them to see. This generation is also very involved in technology and so this is a great way for me to connect to my students. I will also be able to use Vidcasts and Podcasts on my WebQuest. As a colleague, I will use this to help other teachers by developing a Vidcast or Podcast on a subject and in return my colleagues will make some and they will help me. We will all work together to be innovative and creative.

We are using these types of technology because they are useful and they help us connect to our students. They get the message across and they are also easy for our students to do if we ever wanted them to do it for an assignment. Life in general and in my other classes all three of these tools are helpful and useful in presenting information. Each of us like to watch videos and so we are bringing that interest into our classrooms and becoming entertained by the information we learn as well as present. To me all three of these types of technology means enjoyment, excitement and the new way of learning. This technology means for my colleagues the same. It also means connection and communication not only with our students but with the people we work with. TeacherTube helps teachers everyday. This is another great way to stay current and at the same time not be so overwhelmed becasue you have others helping you.

Now What:

This technology means everything to my future students. In a couple of years when I have my own classroom, this will be the kind of things they will be interested in and will be proficient in. If I don't learn it or teach it then I will lose some of students to boredom. My future students will be able to stay current and in the future will be able to be successful due to knowing how to use the different types of technology. This has changed my schema by incorporating videos and podcasts from the internet. It makes searching for a certain idea easy by being convenient.. I do plan to use all three of these tools in my classroom which will show I want to be connected to my students as well as be current in what is required to know. I will also use copyrighting to protect my projects but will still allow for others to borrow my ideas and work.

Vidcasts, Podcasts, and WebQuests can all be used by my students and each will allow them to collaborate and work with all students. If they were asked to make something dealing with technology Vidcasts and Podcasts are great. I can give them pretty much any subject to work with and they can get ideas from other students across the country. They can also work with those that are in their class. This will help them to research any topic as well as help them learn how to work with other people. This will help me to become a better teacher by being fun and creative and bringing that atmosphere to my students. They will see the excitement I have and hopefully in return will feed off of it. As a colleague, this will make me better by staying up to date with what students need to use and learn from. I can benefit my colleagues by teaching them or by being an example and showing my success. The collaboration we as teachers have will be strong because we will be working together in all ways and sharing many ideas.

Video Reflection:

What: Blogging is one of the best ways to get our point across. The short clip stated several reasons why blogging is great for student to do and those are, for communication, literacy, ownership, sharing, collaboration, discussion, empowerment, interaction, motivation, participation, engagement, excitement, conversation, creativity, for reflection, to extend the walls of the classroom, to give students a voice, to give students an audience, to give students a learning environment, and to give them skills that will help them in their digital future. So What: So what this means is power and fun in learning. It means expression through technology so all can see. Now What: this now means to act on it. Children are learning well and are expressing themselves better by blogging. It gives them control which will help teachers see a result which is good. They are taking responsibility for what they are learning and doing and are at the end helps the teachers see that they understand.

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