Sunday, March 21, 2010

Field Experience 1

This week I started my first field experience. This will allow me to see and interact with students as well as teach lessons.

So What?

This week I started my first field experience at Vista Elementary. Doing my field experience helps me become a better teacher, student and colleague. I am able to see how the colleagues work together in the school as well as how I work with my cooperating teacher. In doing so, this helps me to have open eyes and see how much you work with other people when teaching to make the students learning a success. This helps me as a student because I can see similarities between my students in the classroom and the way I am as a student. I can tie connections and maybe learn from them or help them understand better.

I believe we do this so it gives us authentic learning. We are doing hands-on and real life learning which is one of the best ways to learn and truly understand what teaching really is like and what we have to look forward to. It gives us an opportunity to see if this is the right calling for us in life. All of my classes are dealing with education, so this is a great tool to better myself by using what I have learned in those classes as well as teaching those I work with everyday. The technology used in classrooms means a lot in the advancement and enjoyment students get from learning. In my classroom we have a smart board and it really makes it convenient to teach with it. The students also enjoy it. As colleagues we are able to share PowerPoint, ideas, and much more. I have seen my teacher use a PowerPoint another teacher in her team made. This shows great collaboration and teamwork.

Now What?

Technology is what my future students are. I have worked with some students that have not had the opportunity of using technology, but it is a great way to work with them and help them learn. It is an interactive tool that can guide them through success. The new way of testing is done through computers. My students will need to know how to use a computer in order to test. This changes my schema because when I was a student everything was done on paper. This is convenient and easy as well as less stressful. Using technology in my classroom will change my teaching style for the best. I have become a fan of Smart boards and I believe they are only going to get better. It doesn't limit what teachers, or myself, can do in the classroom.

During my first week of field, I have seen my students go to the computer lab everyday. They have had an assignment to create a PowerPoint on the rock cycle. I can do assignments similar to this and much more. This assignment allowed them to work with their booklet they filled out in class throughout the unit, work with others in the class, and share it with those that are not in the school.This helps me to become a better teacher by allowing different ways of learning in the classroom. It is modern and up to date with what the children are doing in their everyday lives. I have seen both sides of teaching during filed, the teacher that is very smart with technology and my teacher who is old school and doesn't use much technology. We have taught a few lessons already and we have followed after the teacher who uses technology. We used YouTube, the Smart Board, and a video. The students seemed to adapt really well to it and paid more attention. As a colleague, I think this helps our cooperating teacher see both sides as well. It gives all of us different ideas. This helps with all forms of collaboration in the classroom and school.

Video Reflection

I really liked this video. I completely agree we should all be educators. I have noticed students learn better and have stronger power to learn. As a student this helps me identify what teachers are educating and which are just teaching. I looked back on past classes and the classes I did better in went with the educating approach. Working with a class now, I have access to really influence and help students. I am working with a couple ESL students and if I take the educating path, I believe these students will learn and pick up on the information faster. Guiding is a tool that is beneficial for both the student as well as the teacher. As a future teacher, this allows me to see the impact teachers have and who succeeds the most by teaching that way. I want my students to have the best form of education and I believe educating is the best way. The presentation said it all. All of the key facts to success!

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