Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Real WebQuest 2 Reflection

I am learning how to work with WebQuest in PowerPoint. I am learning how to insert links and make my WebQuest look professional and nice. The assignments include working on my WebQuest page.

So What:
I think WebQuests are great ideas for ways to teach in a classroom. I like how you can create a WebQuest online or in PowerPoint. It makes it convenient. For me as a student it allows me to see the impact technology has in the classroom. It also helps my see how easy it is when you work with others. For me as a teacher this means creativity and successful teaching. My students are going to be involved and entertained so in return I am going to enjoy this. As a colleague it will help me discover similar ideas and make them my own or I can borrow a WebQuest that is already done. I believe we use WebQuests because it makes learning fun and it helps the teacher stay updated with technology and the tools he or she should be using.

This can apply to me in my other classes as well as in life by using them. In my other classes we have to develop lesson plans and by knowing how to create a WebQuest, I could incorporate it into another class I am doing a lesson plan for. I will be student teaching soon and just like I can use WebQuest for a lesson plan, I can use the lesson plan I developed and work with it in my student teaching classroom. To me, technology means freedom! I am able to choose the way I present the information and by using technology there are so many different ways and tools I can choose from. Technology means to my colleagues a way to collaborate with each other and teach in similar way so the students know what to expect.

Now What:
WebQuest means enjoyment for my future students. WebQuest changes my schema by knowing there are different ways to teach and different types of technology I can use. This changes the way I teach in the future by showing more creativity and enjoying preparing it. For our WebQuest, we are having our students find out and discover information about the water cycle. For some activities our students will be allowed to work with others and collaborate together to come up with ideas and answers. A couple activities include building a water cycle or model.

This helps me to become a better future teacher by using my creativity and showing my students learning can be fun for you and me. This will help me as a colleague by helping those I work with find their own creativity and helping each other use it in the classroom. WebQuests are easy to use and I can help my colleagues see that. When we as teachers have great communication, our classrooms benefit and are fun. Using WebQuest and collaborating together helps us achieve communication and helps us overcome the difficulties of stress by alleviating it and working together.

What: We live in a world of instant information. We have more options and have more aids to help us learn. Learning is constantly changing and adding things to help us do better. So What: The use of technology is changing the way we learn by adding entertainment and by changing the way we communicate. Communication no longer involves just talking on the phone or using email, there are so many new and developing options to choose from. Now What: We need to help prepare our students for the real-life learning experiences and that is what engaged learning accomplishes.The world has changed and includes new skills. We need to know how our students learn best. We don't need to teach just the subject matter and facts but we need to teach what is happening in our world and what we use to achieve that.

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