Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Real WebQuest 2 Reflection

I am learning how to work with WebQuest in PowerPoint. I am learning how to insert links and make my WebQuest look professional and nice. The assignments include working on my WebQuest page.

So What:
I think WebQuests are great ideas for ways to teach in a classroom. I like how you can create a WebQuest online or in PowerPoint. It makes it convenient. For me as a student it allows me to see the impact technology has in the classroom. It also helps my see how easy it is when you work with others. For me as a teacher this means creativity and successful teaching. My students are going to be involved and entertained so in return I am going to enjoy this. As a colleague it will help me discover similar ideas and make them my own or I can borrow a WebQuest that is already done. I believe we use WebQuests because it makes learning fun and it helps the teacher stay updated with technology and the tools he or she should be using.

This can apply to me in my other classes as well as in life by using them. In my other classes we have to develop lesson plans and by knowing how to create a WebQuest, I could incorporate it into another class I am doing a lesson plan for. I will be student teaching soon and just like I can use WebQuest for a lesson plan, I can use the lesson plan I developed and work with it in my student teaching classroom. To me, technology means freedom! I am able to choose the way I present the information and by using technology there are so many different ways and tools I can choose from. Technology means to my colleagues a way to collaborate with each other and teach in similar way so the students know what to expect.

Now What:
WebQuest means enjoyment for my future students. WebQuest changes my schema by knowing there are different ways to teach and different types of technology I can use. This changes the way I teach in the future by showing more creativity and enjoying preparing it. For our WebQuest, we are having our students find out and discover information about the water cycle. For some activities our students will be allowed to work with others and collaborate together to come up with ideas and answers. A couple activities include building a water cycle or model.

This helps me to become a better future teacher by using my creativity and showing my students learning can be fun for you and me. This will help me as a colleague by helping those I work with find their own creativity and helping each other use it in the classroom. WebQuests are easy to use and I can help my colleagues see that. When we as teachers have great communication, our classrooms benefit and are fun. Using WebQuest and collaborating together helps us achieve communication and helps us overcome the difficulties of stress by alleviating it and working together.

What: We live in a world of instant information. We have more options and have more aids to help us learn. Learning is constantly changing and adding things to help us do better. So What: The use of technology is changing the way we learn by adding entertainment and by changing the way we communicate. Communication no longer involves just talking on the phone or using email, there are so many new and developing options to choose from. Now What: We need to help prepare our students for the real-life learning experiences and that is what engaged learning accomplishes.The world has changed and includes new skills. We need to know how our students learn best. We don't need to teach just the subject matter and facts but we need to teach what is happening in our world and what we use to achieve that.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

WebQuest 2

What did we learn this week. We did not have class this week so I did not learn anything different or new about WebQuest. So what does this mean. I am sure this means we will discuss it in class on Tuesday. However, we were to continue working on our WebQuest and think of ideas that would be great to use, such as our tasks, process, etc. So I was able to work with my partner and come up with a few ideas that will work for our WebQuest. Now what will I do to help me prepare. I will use my prior knowledge of what we talked about in class a couple of weeks ago and add to it.

Video Reflection
What: The topic of the video was probably one of the most used videos we as students working in the education program use today. So what: Weaving social websites with the curriculum taught in classes is genius. Like the video states, if you don't integrate this type of media and engage your students in it, then you will lose them. This video also discussed a term called DigMe which stands for digital media and uses technology, literacy, and learning. Now What: This was an important tool to work with because it engages students in their academic achievement. This also helps engage us as student too. When we use social websites, we learn to work with technology and at the same time are reflecting what we know. The video mentions two more things which is it builds the students attention and prepares students with communicating. They love it, we love it and it works!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

WebQuest 1 Reflection

We are learning how to design WebQuests so our students can have a different way of learning. We are to come up with a Utah Standard and come up with tasks we want our students to do.

So What?
As a student, teacher, and colleague this means a lot to the way subjects are taught to our students. As a student this teaches me there are creative ways to teach my future students and I can collaborate with others to accomplish this. As a teacher this will mean designing tasks and procedures for my students to better understand a subject. I believe we are doing this because it is the new way to teach. I think it better helps everyone to enjoy what they are learning or teaching. This applies to me now by knowing where and what to look for if I need ideas on preparing lesson plans.

This type of technology means change and the future. This is the direction education is taking by emphasizing more use of technology and creativity. As colleagues, we can borrow others ideas so we have a variety to choose from. It helps alleviate stress to all teachers because we can all work together. With WebQuest, anyone anywhere can teach and use the same information. It is also convenient because you can alter it if changes are needed.

Now What?
This type of technology means enjoyment and fun to my future students. I believe WebQuest is a solution to help keep students involved and active in learning. This changes my schema from doing everything on paper to using the computer and precisely organizing a search or steps for my students to do and follow. This will change the way I teach by using WebQuests often. By watching the video, I saw there are so many options to choose from that other teachers have already made. This will help me to be creative and less stressed.

WebQuest is a process the students go through to discover the answer. In order for my students to work with others, I will have to design tasks and procedures that involves working with another classmate, inside and outside of class. What I like about WebQuest is it can be a individual assignment or an assignment students can work on together. This will help me become a better teacher by stretching my ways of teaching and doing it in a fun way. With webQuest, it is also easier to grade because there is a rubric that needs to be followed. As a colleague, WebQuest will help me to look for ways to make it easier. I will be able to give ideas and lesson plans to other teachers. This is an important way we as teachers collaborate with each other. Teachers are stressed as it is and using WebQuest will help everyone feel adequate and prepared.

Video Reflection
This video on Microsoft Surface Computer was interesting and really cool. I liked the way you can do more things at once, which will help people to be more productive and get things done quicker. It was amazing that they could easily transfer information by placing what needed to be transferred on the surface. So what does this mean to people and especially to education, well I think in the future we will not be working much with paper and pencil but will transfer over to something similar to this. In a way Smartboards are similar to what is to come. Now that we know this information and what could possibly happen in the future, we need to educate ourselves better so we can understand how to work with all the new technology that is to come.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Video Reflection Powerpoint

What? PowerPoint has a huge role in the way I present things in my classes now and as a future teacher. PowerPoint is a way to get the point across so those you are teaching can see it and understand what it is you are teaching. So What? I need to make sure my PowerPoint's are affective and useful. The video gave seven things to not do and they are, putting all words on the PowerPoint, the use of spell check, bullet everything, color schemes, the number of PowerPoint's, animation and the font. Each of these will show how well I can organize information to teach. If I don't follow some of his advice, I will lose my students or fellow classmates attention. I will also look disorganized and confusing. The way do my PowerPoint says something about me as a person. Now What? I plan to take this advice and follow it as I use PowerPoint. Each topic was valuable and truthful as it will cause more problems and will look bad.

My Beliefs

3. Post a reflection titled "My Beliefs" on your beliefs on the use of technology in the classroom. Post a reflection of no more than 2 paragraphs discussing these points.

I think technology is one of the most important tools used in schools and most importantly in classrooms. I think students connect better to using technology to work on an assignment or project because they use technology everyday. It has become the norm for students today. Using technology also allows the different learners to practice the way they learn best. It opens up students way of doing things. Our society depends on technology.

By teaching our students how to use technology, they will be better equipped for when they enter into the real world and get a job. Most jobs now days require that you have knowledge in technology whether it is using a computer, a phone, music device or even the ability to present with a projector. The world is changing and I believe that means we as people need to change and we need to change the way we teach it.

Lessons Learned

2. Post a reflection titled "Lessons Learned" of no more than 2 paragraphs discussing your thoughts, concerns, and what you learned from the readings, videos, and web sites.

I thought the readings, videos and web sites were really interesting and they all contained information that is going to be beneficial for me to know. I liked how it started out with WWW (whatever, whenever, and wherever).I like the way they described how we are capable of using our phones to do many tasks, for instance, spending money. This just made WWW more true as the article showed different ways it is now more convenient to do something. I don't like that children are able to do anything, because I can see this causing trouble with the lack of socializing, communicating, and valuing the truthfulness of life. This can also affect the way they act in school.

Another thought I had from the reading was the importance media gratification is. It needs to be real, rich, and relevant. One of the articles states, in order for our students to have self-esteem they have to achieve and have actual success. We need to distract them from boredom and do what Seligman states, "hand students over to themselves." Last, it is important to use projects and tools because it acquires and refines analysis and problem solving skills. It can also reduce behavioral problems. Technology can affect the way teachers teach as well as contribute to students having a better relationship with them.

Strengths and Weaknesses

1. What were your strength/weaknesses according to the UNI survey and NET Standards? Establish goals you would like to accomplish as a beginning teacher who will integrate technology in instruction and in the classroom. Your goals should be developed according to your weaknesses. Identify 2 mini-workshops, short-courses, podcasts, or 2 on-line tutorials you would take that will improve your weaknesses. Explain how these workshops and/or tutorials will further your professional growth and goals. Post a reflection titled "Strengths & Weaknesses" of no more than 3 paragraphs discussing these points.

According to UNI and NET Standards, my strengths include knowledge of equity, ethics, legal, and human issues concerning use of computers and technology, the awareness of resources for adaptive assistant devices for students with special needs, using audio/visual resources, using the internet and email, and using word processing. My weaknesses include, video conferencing, using instructional software, and knowing and using terminology. The rest of my knowledge with technology resources and tools for information literacy and the basic technology equipment operations and concepts falls under a similar category, which is the apprentice stage.

Some goals I would like to accomplish as a beginning teacher integrating technology instruction in the classroom would be first to understand and use terminology. I think in order to understand what something is or how to do it you have to understand the basics. I believe terminology is the starting point of understanding technology. Next, I would like to improve the tools of video conferencing and learning the instructional software. I believe in the future, technology is going to be only way to teach so I need to understand the software instructions do be able to adequately teach it.

To help achieve my goals, I could take short online courses. I have researched and found a website that offers help in understanding computer and internet terminology. This website is The website states, "After taking this course, students will come away with a deeper understanding and better appreciation of the computer and Internet related technologies and become better educated and better versed technology users and consumers." The next goal I want to achieve is learning how to do video conferencing and learn how to work with instructional software. I have found a tutorial that can help me understand as well as work with video conferencing. After I complete these tutorials, I will be able to communicate with those that are far away as if they were still here. I would also be able to teach my students a new way of communicating that would keep them interested.