Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lessons Learned

2. Post a reflection titled "Lessons Learned" of no more than 2 paragraphs discussing your thoughts, concerns, and what you learned from the readings, videos, and web sites.

I thought the readings, videos and web sites were really interesting and they all contained information that is going to be beneficial for me to know. I liked how it started out with WWW (whatever, whenever, and wherever).I like the way they described how we are capable of using our phones to do many tasks, for instance, spending money. This just made WWW more true as the article showed different ways it is now more convenient to do something. I don't like that children are able to do anything, because I can see this causing trouble with the lack of socializing, communicating, and valuing the truthfulness of life. This can also affect the way they act in school.

Another thought I had from the reading was the importance media gratification is. It needs to be real, rich, and relevant. One of the articles states, in order for our students to have self-esteem they have to achieve and have actual success. We need to distract them from boredom and do what Seligman states, "hand students over to themselves." Last, it is important to use projects and tools because it acquires and refines analysis and problem solving skills. It can also reduce behavioral problems. Technology can affect the way teachers teach as well as contribute to students having a better relationship with them.

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