Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Beliefs

3. Post a reflection titled "My Beliefs" on your beliefs on the use of technology in the classroom. Post a reflection of no more than 2 paragraphs discussing these points.

I think technology is one of the most important tools used in schools and most importantly in classrooms. I think students connect better to using technology to work on an assignment or project because they use technology everyday. It has become the norm for students today. Using technology also allows the different learners to practice the way they learn best. It opens up students way of doing things. Our society depends on technology.

By teaching our students how to use technology, they will be better equipped for when they enter into the real world and get a job. Most jobs now days require that you have knowledge in technology whether it is using a computer, a phone, music device or even the ability to present with a projector. The world is changing and I believe that means we as people need to change and we need to change the way we teach it.

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