Saturday, February 13, 2010

WebQuest 1 Reflection

We are learning how to design WebQuests so our students can have a different way of learning. We are to come up with a Utah Standard and come up with tasks we want our students to do.

So What?
As a student, teacher, and colleague this means a lot to the way subjects are taught to our students. As a student this teaches me there are creative ways to teach my future students and I can collaborate with others to accomplish this. As a teacher this will mean designing tasks and procedures for my students to better understand a subject. I believe we are doing this because it is the new way to teach. I think it better helps everyone to enjoy what they are learning or teaching. This applies to me now by knowing where and what to look for if I need ideas on preparing lesson plans.

This type of technology means change and the future. This is the direction education is taking by emphasizing more use of technology and creativity. As colleagues, we can borrow others ideas so we have a variety to choose from. It helps alleviate stress to all teachers because we can all work together. With WebQuest, anyone anywhere can teach and use the same information. It is also convenient because you can alter it if changes are needed.

Now What?
This type of technology means enjoyment and fun to my future students. I believe WebQuest is a solution to help keep students involved and active in learning. This changes my schema from doing everything on paper to using the computer and precisely organizing a search or steps for my students to do and follow. This will change the way I teach by using WebQuests often. By watching the video, I saw there are so many options to choose from that other teachers have already made. This will help me to be creative and less stressed.

WebQuest is a process the students go through to discover the answer. In order for my students to work with others, I will have to design tasks and procedures that involves working with another classmate, inside and outside of class. What I like about WebQuest is it can be a individual assignment or an assignment students can work on together. This will help me become a better teacher by stretching my ways of teaching and doing it in a fun way. With webQuest, it is also easier to grade because there is a rubric that needs to be followed. As a colleague, WebQuest will help me to look for ways to make it easier. I will be able to give ideas and lesson plans to other teachers. This is an important way we as teachers collaborate with each other. Teachers are stressed as it is and using WebQuest will help everyone feel adequate and prepared.

Video Reflection
This video on Microsoft Surface Computer was interesting and really cool. I liked the way you can do more things at once, which will help people to be more productive and get things done quicker. It was amazing that they could easily transfer information by placing what needed to be transferred on the surface. So what does this mean to people and especially to education, well I think in the future we will not be working much with paper and pencil but will transfer over to something similar to this. In a way Smartboards are similar to what is to come. Now that we know this information and what could possibly happen in the future, we need to educate ourselves better so we can understand how to work with all the new technology that is to come.

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