Sunday, February 21, 2010

WebQuest 2

What did we learn this week. We did not have class this week so I did not learn anything different or new about WebQuest. So what does this mean. I am sure this means we will discuss it in class on Tuesday. However, we were to continue working on our WebQuest and think of ideas that would be great to use, such as our tasks, process, etc. So I was able to work with my partner and come up with a few ideas that will work for our WebQuest. Now what will I do to help me prepare. I will use my prior knowledge of what we talked about in class a couple of weeks ago and add to it.

Video Reflection
What: The topic of the video was probably one of the most used videos we as students working in the education program use today. So what: Weaving social websites with the curriculum taught in classes is genius. Like the video states, if you don't integrate this type of media and engage your students in it, then you will lose them. This video also discussed a term called DigMe which stands for digital media and uses technology, literacy, and learning. Now What: This was an important tool to work with because it engages students in their academic achievement. This also helps engage us as student too. When we use social websites, we learn to work with technology and at the same time are reflecting what we know. The video mentions two more things which is it builds the students attention and prepares students with communicating. They love it, we love it and it works!

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